Sunday, February 5, 2012

Return of the slob...

Well it's been almost a year since my last post.  BUT, I have the best excuse on the planet...

Yep, I done went and had a baby!  Squish graced us with her presence in October and will be 4 months old next week.  Hope that's a good enough reason to have neglected this whole blogging thing.  I actually suffered from a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum which resulted in a 24 hour IV I had to carry around with me in a backpack for the first few months.  I had it my last pregnancy with Bug but was even worse with this one.  Thanks goodness it cleared up about halfway through and I was able to have an uneventful rest of my pregnancy and delivery.  This time I've been so lucky to be blessed with a happy, easy-going baby that loves to sleep.  If you had told me after I had my son that those kinds of babies existed I probably would have punched you in your face.

Needless to say, our lives now require even more organization so we don't all descend into utter chaos.  Also, this is the most I've weighed in my entire life.  Stay tuned for a new plan for this here blog and how it's going to get me to the stepford wife I've always known I'm capable of being!